You can sell more than a ticket to your Madrigal Dinner. Once patrons arrive, there are many opportunities for cross-selling for your Madrigal Dinner. During the evening, you can sell items (like crowns, soaps, or candles) that help create the atmosphere and raise more funds. Here are just a few ideas.

A Flower for your Sweetheart?
Young peddlers can walk the rows of tables, offering patrons a chance to buy their sweetie (or child, or parent) a flower to show their affection. A local vendor is usually willing to donate flowers in exchange for advertising. Keep it low-key. "Cost is whatever you have to give, sir." Most understand it's a fundraiser and will be generous. It's simple, sweet, and has a nice profit margin.
Royal Bling Cross-Selling For Your Madrigal Dinner
The cast dresses up for the night, but families underestimate how much younger siblings also enjoy the costume play. Easy, handmade crowns, sashes, mini-shields, kerchiefs, or swords (sell at your own risk to 5-year-old boys) are fun little props that transport the audience in time.
One Groat per Word
You can also offer to hire a page to deliver messages from one table to another or to recite a short poem for a certain person or a personal favorite, or send a Shakespearean pick-up line. Some examples might be: "Hear ye, Hear ye: Lord Johnson doth say of Lady Johnson per the muse Shakespeare, 'Oh beauty, Till now I never knew thee.'" (Henry VIII). Or "Announcing the words of Lady Thompson to Lord Thompson, 'I'll smother thee with kisses!'" (Venus & Adonis).
There are many opportunities for cross-selling for your Madrigal Dinner; you have to find what fits your group. So discuss with your students and parent volunteers and see how you can make this event madrigal gold.